Advastas is a registered private limited company with company number 14590845.

For further information contact us by email , or by using the form below:-

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Question: Where do the valves originate from?
Answer: All Valves supplied from Advastas will be of European origin.

Question: How many valve manufacturers does Advastas represent?
Answer: We are sole authorised agent for Vastas Valves, located in Western Turkey, Europe. If Vastas do not have the solution to a specific requirement then we can source from multiple other European valve outlets.

Question: How competitive are Advastas?
Answer: The Advastas team have over 30 years market experience and are able to offer competitive solutions in most applications. The ‘Advastas Advantage’ is that Valve Orders can be placed directly with the manufacturer to ensure most competitive prices are achieved.

Question: How do I send my enquiry and when will I receive a quote?
Answer: Enquiries can be sent via e-mail to or by completing the on-line form here. Advastas shall process your enquiry ‘same day’ and ensure a commercially competitive, technically competent quotation is supplied from the manufacturer very promptly. Advastas will liaise with you throughout the process from enquiry, to quote and through to order placement.

Question: How do I place an order with Advastas?
Answer: To keep costs down and ensure you get the most competitive price, Purchase Orders are placed directly with the manufacturer to eliminate the costly requirement for financial handling in the UK. The order placement information shall be detailed within our quotations.